مجتمع مدني

بيان " لجنة الدفاع عن حقوق الانسان " - استراليا حول قرار الرئيس الامريكي ترامب حظر سفر مواطني 7 دول الى اميركا

اصدرت " لجنة الدفاع عن حقوق الانسان - استراليا "بيان احتجاج ضد قرار الرئيس الامريكي ترامب منع مواطني 7 اقطار( هي سوريا والعراق وليبيا وايران واليمن
والصومال والسودان) من دخول الولايات المتحدة الامريكية.
وقد شدد البيان على ان قرار الحظر هذا يتعارض والميثاق العالمي لحقوق الانسان
والعديد من الاتفاقيات الدولية للتعامل بين الدول وحقوق التنقل لمواطنيها التي كانت الولايات المتحدة من بين الدول الموقعة عليها، بل ان هذا القرار ينتهك العديد من المبادئ التي قام عليها الدستور الامريكي نفسه كما اشار مسؤولين اميركان عارضوا القرار .
واكد بيان لجنة الدفاع عن حقوق الانسان- استراليا على ان القرار يوفر خدمة مجانية لقوى الارهاب والتطرف ويضعف من جهود مواجهتها وتجفيف منابعها كما انه يذكي ويؤجج مشاعر الكراهية والعنصرية وهو ماتجلى في العديد من التظاهرات والاعتداءات العنصرية الطابع كاالتي شهدتها سيدني في استراليا وكويبك بكندا.
ودعا البيان الحكومة الاسترالية الى وقفة حازمة ضد القرار وحث الجميع منظمات وافراد الى ان يرفعوا الصوت عاليا لألغاءه.
هذا وقد ارسلت اللجنة نسخة من البيان الى رئيس الوزراء الاسترالي السيد مالكولم والمدعي العام والبرلمان الاستراليين والعديد من اعضاء البرلمان من مختلف الاحزاب. كما سترسل نسخة منه الى المفوضية الاسترالية لحقوق الإنسان ومفوضية الامم المتحدة
لحقوق الإنسان و منظمة العفو الدولية والمنظمات الحقوقية.
Travel Ban on Australian Citizens
In an unprecedented action US president Donald Trump has signed and put into action an executive order to ban citizen and dual citizens from 7 Muslim majority countries from entering the USA merely because they were born in those countries.
The shocking announcement of this ban carried heavy charge of discrimination based on religious and ethnic background and sparks waves of concerns not only among citizens and dual citizens from those 7 countries affected by this ban but also among majority of people all over the world.
Such ban disrespect the Foundation of International Human Law and International Human Rights treaties and clashes even with principles of American constitution and all ideals of freedom and democracy.
The ban was introduced as part of President Trump “policy to counteract global terrorism” but many people and officials think it does not touch real roots of problem and will have deleterious backlash against real efforts to drain terrorism sources and isolate their radical components.
Subsequent to this ban announcement wave of extremist and violent individuals paraded here in Martin Place in Sydney CBD shouting and threatening Australian citizen with hatred and racists slogans. With the mixed news of travel ban and the uncertainty about the fast forward rulings and ‘exceptions’ to ‘preferential’, chaos has been created that broke law and order and fuelled racists movements such as ‘Reclaim Australia’ to threaten the very basic fabric of our society of living in harmony.
Members of our communities affected by this ban and a wide range of Australian people and official from wide spectrum of political establishment are extremely concerned about the rapid development of such racist acts by countries like the USA that generated hatred and escalated violence in cities around the world such as Sydney Australia and Quebec Canada and other parts.
While our Australian Iraqi community is emerging and thriving to enrich the mosaic of the Australian society, we face destructive rulings such as the ban on travel based on country of birth, which will have an everlasting bitter impact on our youth and the future of this country.
We call upon all people and national / international organisations to speak out against this ban and for the Australian federal and state governments to make it absolutely clear that this sort of abrupt and irrational rulings and behaviour has no place in our country and our society. We seek from our government the assurance to Australians that such acts of racism and decimation have no place in our country Australia.